#85 – Vesta McGrady: Great Depression, World Wars, JFK, History, Farming, Books, Advice
In this episode, Ethan and Luke interview Mrs. Vesta McGrady, Luke’s grandmother. She recounts her early childhood during the great depression, her work on the family farm, her early education and church life, and more. Later, they discuss how she met her late husband, his time in the war, and her career in nursing. They…
#84 – Andrew K. Jennings: Business Scholarship Podcast, Legal Scholarship, Academia, Corporate Law, Clerking, Teaching
In this episode, Ethan interviews Mr. Andrew K. Jennings, Associate Law Professor at Emory University, host of the Business Scholarship Podcast, and Carroll County native. A graduate of Hampden-Sydney College and Duke University, Mr. Jennings has experience in Corporate Governance, Corporate Crime, Corporate Compliance, and Securities Regulation. Also, he was a Law Clerk under the…
#80 – Dr. Darlene Vaughn: Appalachia, History, Culture, Substance Use, Treatment, Addiction, Development
In this episode, Dr. Darlene Vaughn depicts the growing substance use and abuse problem within Appalachia. She describes treatment options, local movements to support users, the impact of use on development, and how different drugs interact to harm life. She explains the history and culture behind substance use in Appalachia and they translate to today’s…
#79 – Scott Sherrill: History, Agriculture, Education, Firefighting, Quizbowl/MACC, Appalachia
In this episode, Ethan interviews Mr. Scott Sherrill, history teacher at Carroll County Middle School, volunteer firefighter, and MACC coach. They discuss his early education, his passions for agriculture and history, and his decision to become an educator. They cover his involvement with the volunteer fire departments and coaching academic teams like Scholastic Bowl and…
#76 – Jeff Garrison: Presbyterianism, History, Amateur Radio, Travels, Education
In this episode, Ethan interviews Reverend Jeff Garrison, minister at Bluemont and Mayberry Presbyterian Churches. They discuss his early life and education, career into ministry, touch on some theology, and then dive into his doctoral dissertation on religious history in the west while touching on the Second Great Awakening. Next, they discuss their involvement in…
#73 – Karen Baker: Congress, Judge, Lawyer, Nurse, Democrat, Activism, Healthcare, Broadband
In this episode, Ethan interviews Mrs. Karen Baker, Democratic Candidate for the House of Representatives (HD-9). They discuss her education, experience as a trial lawyer for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Administrative Law Judge, and Registered Nurse. She recounts stories from her time as a lawyer, her decision to step into a judgeship, and her…
#69 – Jay Holderfield: Education, Music, Sports, Faith, Family, History, Coaching, Community
In this episode, Ethan and Luke interview Mr. Jay Holderfield, assistant principal, musician, worship leader and former history teacher. They discuss his upbringing in Carroll County, his time at CCHS, his education at NRCC and Virginia Tech, his Master’s Degree where he had the opportunity to support all the Olympic category sports at Virginia Tech…
#67 – Shannon Dalton: English, Literature, Radio, Journalism, Culture, Education, Community Service
In this episode, Ethan and Luke interview Mrs. Shannon Dalton, educator, coach, parent, and philanthropist. She discusses her time at Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, working in radio, journalism, and her high school experience. She talks about her experiences teaching in Richmond and contrasts it to teaching at CCHS. After, they discuss various notable pieces of literature,…
#65 – Donna Ogle: Literature, English, Writing, College, Education, CCHS, WCC, Communication
In this episode, Ethan and Luke interview Mrs. Donna Ogle, educator at CCHS and WCC. They discuss her early childhood, her father’s military service, time in Wythe County Public Schools and WCC, her decision to leave school and eventually go back, and her time earning her Master’s degree while working full time and being a…
#64 – Ethan Dalton: CCHS, Running, Emory and Henry, Education, Pre-Law, Friendships, Advice
In this episode, Ethan Edwards and Luke interview Ethan Dalton, one of their closest friends. They reminisce on their meeting each other, their time running Cross Country and Track together, and funny moments on the teams. Ethan Dalton discusses his goals to become a lawyer, his time at Emory and Henry College, and his experiences…
#63 – Brandi Cochran-Mitchell: Basketball, CCHS, Hollins, Education, Coaching, History, Athletics
In this episode, Ethan and Luke interview Mrs. Brandi Cochran-Mitchell, coach, educator, and parent. During the conversation, they discuss her basketball career at CCHS and Hollins University, her first jobs, her decision to become an educator, becoming a parent, and her Master’s degree at Radford and graduate Certificate in United States History at UVA. She…
#59 – Shelby Puckett: Ararat, Radford, Education, Historical Society, Thunder in the Hills
In this episode, Ethan and Luke interview Mrs. Shelby Puckett. Not only is she president of the Carroll County Historical Society, but she is a retired educator, counselor, and school administrator of 35 years. During the interview, she recounts her early life, education at Radford College, first jobs, and career progression. Through the episode, she…
#58 – Frank Levering: Hollywood, Cherry Farming, Harvard, Football, Writing, Movies, Plays, Thunder in the Hills
In this episode, Ethan and Luke interview Mr. Frank Levering, author, screenwriter, and play director. They discuss his early life, his time playing football at Wesleyan University, his time studying theology at Harvard Divinity School, and his career in Hollywood. Throughout the episode, they discuss influential writers, directors, and works of media. Near the end,…
#56 – Shawn Montgomery: Early Life, Education, Coaching, History, Politics, Government
In this episode, Ethan and Luke interview Mr. Shawn Montgomery, coach, teacher at Carroll County High School. They discuss his childhood growing up in Cana, Virginia, his parent’s jobs, and playing sports in school. Touching on the transition from St. Paul to Carroll County High School, Mr. Montgomery recounts how he became involved in Cross…
#53 – Mason King: Football, E&H, Swim, Teaching, Civics, History
In this episode, Ethan and Luke interview Mr. Mason King. This was a very special episode for Ethan, as Mr. King serves as a coach for the CCHS Swim Team. During the interview, they discuss his early life and schooling in South Carolina, his family’s move to Carroll County, his adjustment to Public Schooling, his…