In this episode, Ethan and Luke interview Honorable Clerk Gerald Goad for the first thirty minutes. They briefly discuss his childhood, schooling, time at Wytheville Community College and Virginia Tech. Additionally, they discuss his musical career, scuba diving hobby, and his advice for younger generations in general. After that, for the rest of the episode, Clerk Goad gives us a tour of the facility.
Due to the difficulties of recording on the go, the audio quality may not always be consistent during the tour, conversely, the interview quality is up to our normal standard, if not higher. Ethan and Luke ask for the listener’s forgiveness and understanding. However, in the coming weeks there will be a short video showcasing the visit, so stay tuned for that!
Thank you again Clerk Goad for being on the podcast.
Ways to contact Clerk Gerald Goad:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Gerald-R-Goad-Clerk-of-Circuit-Court/100063885460849/
Website: https://geraldgoadforclerk.com/
Clerk website: https://www.carrollcountyva.gov/courts/circuit_court/clerk_of_circuit_court.php
Podcast Information:
Website: https://TheRidgePodcast.com
RSS: https://TheRidgePodcast.com/feed/podcast
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2cKCltgfcCJjaipPQxKVGi
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Email: theridgepodcast@gmail.com
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