#84 – Andrew K. Jennings: Business Scholarship Podcast, Legal Scholarship, Academia, Corporate Law, Clerking, Teaching
In this episode, Ethan interviews Mr. Andrew K. Jennings, Associate Law Professor at Emory University, host of the Business Scholarship Podcast, and Carroll County native. A graduate of Hampden-Sydney College and Duke University, Mr. Jennings has experience in Corporate Governance, Corporate Crime, Corporate Compliance, and Securities Regulation. Also, he was a Law Clerk under the…
#73 – Karen Baker: Congress, Judge, Lawyer, Nurse, Democrat, Activism, Healthcare, Broadband
In this episode, Ethan interviews Mrs. Karen Baker, Democratic Candidate for the House of Representatives (HD-9). They discuss her education, experience as a trial lawyer for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Administrative Law Judge, and Registered Nurse. She recounts stories from her time as a lawyer, her decision to step into a judgeship, and her…
#71 – Luke Watson: Carroll County, History, Government, Running, Reading, Education, Hard Work, Love
In this episode, Ethan interviews Mr. Luke Watson, his close friend and co-host of The Ridge Podcast. They discuss Luke’s early upbringing, love for Carroll County and its schools, and then discuss his future plans. They discuss the impact COVID had on his education, how running has changed his life, and his love for books,…
#67 – Shannon Dalton: English, Literature, Radio, Journalism, Culture, Education, Community Service
In this episode, Ethan and Luke interview Mrs. Shannon Dalton, educator, coach, parent, and philanthropist. She discusses her time at Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, working in radio, journalism, and her high school experience. She talks about her experiences teaching in Richmond and contrasts it to teaching at CCHS. After, they discuss various notable pieces of literature,…
#64 – Ethan Dalton: CCHS, Running, Emory and Henry, Education, Pre-Law, Friendships, Advice
In this episode, Ethan Edwards and Luke interview Ethan Dalton, one of their closest friends. They reminisce on their meeting each other, their time running Cross Country and Track together, and funny moments on the teams. Ethan Dalton discusses his goals to become a lawyer, his time at Emory and Henry College, and his experiences…
#61 – Recovery Fitness with Judge Geisler, Judge Harrell, and Walter Midkiff, Addiction Recovery Court, Fitness
In this episode, Ethan and Luke interview Judge Geisler, Judge Harrell, and Walter Midkiff about RecoveryFitness.org and the Addiction Recovery Court. Ethan and Luke were recently invited by Judge Geisler to participate in the weekly Thursday night Recovery Fitness workouts. After working out, they sat down with the trio and discussed their plan to break…
#60 – Casey Burcham: Baseball, Coaching, E&H, Education, Government, Hard-Work, Success, Lessons
In this episode, Ethan and Luke interview Casey Burcham, coach and educator at Carroll County High School. He delineates his early life, education and sports, time at Radford University, and then his decision to transfer to Emory and Henry College where he played Football and Baseball. He recalls his decision to major in History, become…
#57 – Talking Trash with Gerald Goad and Beth Oravec, Carroll County Litter Task Force
In this episode, Ethan and Luke sit down with Clerk Gerald Goad and Ms. Beth Oravec to discuss the Carroll County Litter Task Force, a committee dedicated to spreading awareness about the current litter problem faced by the county. During the discussion, both guests gave their background and perspective on the current problem. They offer…
#51 – Dwayne Yancey: Founder of The Cardinal News, The Roanoke Times, Farming, SWVA, JMU, Journalism
In this episode, Ethan and Luke interview Editor and Founder of The Cardinal News, Mr. Dwayne Yancey. The Cardinal News is a digital news service that runs on a 100% donation backed business model, dedicated to providing free news to the commonwealth through zero paywalls. He was also an editor at The Roanoke Times, working…
#48 – Allen Worrell: The Carroll News, Sports, Journalism, Early Career, Stories, Lessons, Writing, History
In this episode, Ethan and Luke interview Mr. Allen Worrell. Mr. Worrell works at The Carroll News based in Hillsville, Virginia. He is a graduate of Carroll County High School and Emory and Henry College. He is an experienced journalist whose favorite topic to write about is Sports. Additionally, he has received both the Virginia…
#39 – Treasurer Bonita M. Williams: Early life, Taxes, Campaigning, Elections, Misconceptions
In this episode, Ethan and Luke interview Mrs. Bonita M. Williams, the Treasurer of Carroll County, Virginia. They discuss her early life, the collection of taxes, her experiences campaigning and the impact of politics on personal life, her strong success on the ballot, and finally they debunk some misconceptions that many have about the Treasurer’s…
#38 – Election Recap: Clerk’s Race, Campaigns, Polls, Results, Dinners, Experiences
This episode is unique. Instead of their usual book talk or interview, Ethan and Luke discuss a recent, local event that they both had the opportunity to participate in: Election Day. To be fully transparent, The Ridge Podcast is meant to be, and always will attempt to be, a politically neutral platform, covering all aspects…
#37 – Book talk: The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli
In this episode, Ethan and Luke discuss The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli. This book is interesting and very controversial. The book’s thesis is how a monarch should rule a country. It presents a framework for taking, executing, and maintaining control. Being required reading for many Political Science, Government, and Philosophy programs, Ethan and Luke decided…
#36 – Clerk Gerald R. Goad: Campaign, Responsibilities, Achievements, Goals, Digitization, Archives, Licenses
In this episode, Ethan and Luke interview Clerk Gerald R. Goad. This is the second time that he has been on the podcast. Last time, they discussed his personal life and journey to the Clerk’s office. This time however, they discuss his achievements thus far, his campaign, his goals for the next term, and a…
#31 – B.P. “Phil” Hawks: Clerk of Circuit Court Candidate, Education, Ministry, History, America, Public Speaking, Republic Party, Family
In this episode Ethan and Luke interview B.P. Phil Hawks. Mr. Hawks is a candidate for the Clerk of Circuit Court in Carroll County, VA. He recounts his early life, his education, role models, career transition to becoming an OT and other important topics. He also briefly discusses his motivation for running for political office.…